Let us talk a little about Active Release Technique. The by line is:
ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system, a movement, based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.
Headaches, back pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, TMJ and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.
In the years that I have been doing Massage there were very few that I truly helped find a permanent fix. I would find those people back on my table week after week happy to get a few days of temporary relief from their issues. It wasn’t till I started doing Active Release and personal training that I found long lasting and permanent results.
From my 20 plus years of doing massage. I knew that I got my biggest results for relieving someone’s back pain, was from working on someone’s Gluet’s or Butt if you’d rather. They are after all the largest muscle group in the body.
The support that these muscles provide to the body is essential for our movement they help power the body when we run, jump and even skip, lets also not forget the importance of just sitting. They have many roles and can be pain in more ways than one. (spouses not included)
The muscles of the butt are Gluteus Maximus, Medius, minimis, piriformis, Obturator internus and externus and a few others that attach in and around the area, but we shall stick with these as our main movers.
Over the years that I have been doing Active Release about 70-80% of people with back pain I am able to fix working on the Gluteus, primarily piriformis. There is even a syndrome called, piriformis syndrome.
As for Sciatica the numbers are even higher closer to 80-90%, that I help working on the glutes.
Active Release is not just for the back but the whole body, if it has a muscle attached to it ART can generally be of some help.
The whole purpose of this site is to help you get relief from your pain and Active Release Technique is one of the best ways to achieve that. In future posts I will give you techniques to help yourself find that fix to eliminate your pain, whether from a therapist or from stretch and exercise. We are here to help.
If you are in the Palm Desert area of California I recommend www.FixxMT.com
or if you are in another part of the country or world try www.activerelease.com